That Checklist App

A dead simple, re-usable checklist app.

Screenshot of an example checklist for leaving the house

A separate checklist for each situation

Instead of making a list every time you do something (e.g. packing), you can use That Checklist App to create checklists that you will re-use later.

Stop wondering if you forgot something

With That Checklist App you can create a list template now that you can complete later. Instead of re-creating the list every time you can create the list once and re-use it. You can immediately feel relieved knowing that you won't forget important steps in the process later.

Medication Icon
Create a checklist to complete before leaving the house for vacation.
Shopping Cart Icon
Never forget to pack an important item when dropping off the dog at the dog-sitter.
Phone Icon
Always remember to bring the right documents when traveling internationally.
Phone Icon
Always get the same things at the grocery store? Create a re-usable grocery list.
Clipboard Icon
Or anything else you want to make sure you do right!
Screenshot showing a checklist with two buttons at the bottom that allow you to reset the checklist or pin uncompleted items to the top of the list.

Advanced checklist features

That Checklist App comes with useful features for any checkist. If you need to re-use a list, simply tap the "reset" button and it will clear the list so you can use it again.

If you have a particularly large checklist then it can be confusing to see which items you haven't completed yet. Tap "pin incomplete items" to automatically re-order the list with incomplete items on top.